Keith Lee On Being Rejected, The Meaning Of ‘Limitless,’ Recent Feuds

NXT North American Champion Keith Lee has opened up about who inspired him after his initial WWE rejections, his nickname, and his recent NXT feuds.

NXT Superstar Keith Lee has previously reflected on being rejected by WWE following unsuccessful tryouts. In a recent interview with Yahoo Sports before last night’s episode of NXT, Lee shared which WWE Legends helped inspire him after being told he wouldn’t be needed. He also addressed his recent feuds with Damien Priest and Dominik Dijakovic and the meaning of being “Limitless.”

After being rejected by WWE, Lee pointed to NXT General Manager William Regal and WWE Hall of Famers Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes in helping to keep him motivated with his dream of signing with WWE.

He utilized the time after his tryouts to continue to hone his craft on the independent circuit, making a name for himself in the process. During this time, NXT began to change into something that could make use of him. Lee noted how he’s always been a confident person and that all he’s “ever really required is an opportunity.”

Keith Lee Is Limitless

Keith Lee’s nickname “Limitless” ties into this concept. He explained how his character represents his life growing up, but also his experiences in entertainment as a whole.

“Being told no so many times, being denied, turned down, shut down, talked down and never giving up. That’s kind of the premise that ‘Limitless’ was.”

Lee explained how being “Limitless” is more than just his in-ring skills. It’s a lifestyle and mentality to help get through tough times.

Recent NXT Feuds

Turning his attention to his recent highlight feuds on NXT, Lee acknowledged how many people may not expect the athleticism NXT’s big men are capable of. “When you get gents like us in the ring, it’s oftentimes [jaw-dropping] but also mesmerizing for someone who is seeing it for the first time.

To them, it’s an unexpected surprise. For the Superstars, however, their performance is an “expression of who we are.”

Lee shared how their drive to be the greatest and experience the highest level of competition creates a magical experience.

Keith Lee successfully retained his NXT North American Championship against Damien Priest during last night’s episode of NXT.

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