Home News Impact’s Parent Company Issues Statement On Recent Allegations

Impact’s Parent Company Issues Statement On Recent Allegations

Impact’s Parent Company Issues Statement On Recent Allegations
Impact Wrestling

Anthem Sports and Entertainment has released a statement regarding recent allegations made against several members of their roster. In the wake of the #SpeakingOut hashtag on Twitter, several wrestlers have been called out for inappropriate conduct.

The statement sent to media reads as follows:

“It is a core value of the Anthem organization that we conduct our business with respect and integrity, providing a safe and secure work environment for our employees and performers. We are following carefully the various allegations being made through social media, and are reviewing all incidents involving Impact Wrestling talent and personnel to determine an appropriate course of action.”


#SpeakingOut Movement

For the last two days, several wrestlers have been speaking out about sexual misconduct and other offenses rampant in pro-wrestling. They are using the #SpeakingOut hashtag on Twitter.

Former Impact Wrestling referee, Kris Levin (aka Kid Ref) also posted a statement online. According to Levin, he was released from his position with Impact shortly after making statements to a 3rd party regarding an investigation into sexual harassment. He also noted that the company “ghosted” him after the meeting. TNA World Champion Moose then issued a response.

His statement is as follows:


Moose then replied to Levin’s Tweet:
