Home News Orton Pulled From Upcoming Events, Goldust To Appear In Film

Orton Pulled From Upcoming Events, Goldust To Appear In Film


— It has been confirmed that Randy Orton did not attend Monday’s Raw because he is dealing with soreness in his neck. He has been pulled from live events this weekend and next weekend. (source: prowrestling.net)

— Goldust noted on Twitter that he will appear in a low budget horror film that will begin filming next year.

He wrote: “Next thanksgiving I will be shooting my first movie….the fire witch …that I will be directing and producing…and will be in it. Just in the starting stages……but will let u know more when more is known. It won’t be a wrestling movie….it is a horror film. It will be a low budget film and my very first……lots of work ahead.”

— Matches taking place on tonight’s episode of WWE Superstars on WGN America are David Hart Smith vs. Tyson Kidd, William Regal vs. Darren Young, and Tyler Reks vs. Trent Baretta.