Home News Cesaro On Improving His Mic Skills, His Championship Ambitions

Cesaro On Improving His Mic Skills, His Championship Ambitions

Cesaro On Improving His Mic Skills, His Championship Ambitions

WWE SmackDown Superstar Cesaro recently took part in an interview with Newsweek.com. During the conversation, Cesaro acknowledged his growth on the microphone and whether or not he’s interested in another singles run.

When asked if he was actively working to improve on the mic, Cesaro joked how he’s been “working on that forever.” He noted how English isn’t his first language, so promos tend to be a bit harder for him.

“A lot of stuff gets mixed up in my head, I’ll mix up words and sayings. I had a good one like ‘taking the kid from the candy’ or one of my better ones is ‘out of blue field’ which is a mix of ‘out of left field’ and ‘out of the blue’ so I mess up stuff, I mix stuff up, my accent sometimes people don’t understand it.”

He acknowledged how his hard work is paying off, however. As his promo abilities have grown, he shared how he’s now “getting the chance to talk more.” He argued how the two feed into each other, with his evolving promo skills opening up mic opportunities and vice versa.

Despite this growth and additional mic time, Cesaro confessed how it’s a process he will be constantly working on and hopes to continue improving in.

Cesaro’s Ultimate WWE Ambition

Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura recently claimed the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships. Despite this accomplishment, Cesaro joked how he hasn’t held enough gold. He divulged how his goal has always been to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Cesaro acknowledged how this goal is shared by everyone in WWE but remains his ultimate ambition.

He stressed how he doesn’t want to win the title just for himself. He wants to be crowned WWE Champion for “all of Europe” and for all of WWE’s international fans.