Arn Anderson On If There Was Ever Heat Amongst The Four Horsemen

Arn Anderson recently spent some time on the Arn Show talking about if there was ever heat within the 4 Horsemen.

Arn Anderson recently spent some time on the Arn Show talking about if there was ever heat within the 4 Horsemen. According to Arn, the faction probably got on each others nerves sometimes but it was never serious.

“Oh I’m sure we all did, I’m sure we all bit each others heads off because we were all together too much of the time. But whatever it was it would have been short-lived, probably didn’t last over a day, probably was about something that didn’t matter. We were pretty close during those days because it was kind of us against the world.”

Anderson continued to talk about how the faction was a tight-knit group that worked together for the good of the company.

“There was some animosity in that locker room, if you could imagine, the way egos are and should be. There was some jealousy and there was all kinds of things going on so we kind of knew that we had to watch each others backs and work together for the good of the company.”

Anderson did say, however, that the group enjoyed ribbing each other.

“If anything that we got into it was more ribbing on the square. I used to rib the guys all the time and they would rib me back. Probably some of it started out good-naturedly.”

In terms of disagreements about how to do business, however, Arn says he can’t recall there ever being a disagreement.

“I don’t think we had very many, if any, business arguments that would have been because we saw things all differently. I don’t recall anything like that.”

Anderson’s comments can be heard in the player below:

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