Home News More Verbal Attacks From Shane Helms Against HBK

More Verbal Attacks From Shane Helms Against HBK


… and the war of words between former WWE superstars Shane Helms and Shawn Michaels continues.

If you haven’t been following this story, you can catch up here:

Once again, Helms has gone on Twitter and essentially called Michaels a hypocrite for claiming to be a devout Christian while still “murdering animals” and hanging their heads on his wall (ie. hunting). Helms wrote:

“I think I might go murder some animals for fun and hang their heads on my wall cuz that’s what Jesus would do. Right @ShawnMichaels_ ?”

Check Out: Pictures of Shawn Michaels Hunting: See All The Animals He Killed

Once again, HBK was prompted by his Twitter followers to respond to Helms’ remarks. Like last time, Michaels takes a cool, laid back approach and signs off with another smiley face..

“Jus got bak. Wow u guys r fired up! Sorry u have 2 deal w/it. Don’t worry, I don’t. Comes w/the territory. have zero desire 2 do the internet stuff other than corresponding w/u. U can make ur own decisions & I will respect them. May I now return to having fun w/ u all please. Life is 2 short 4 me 2 go thru High school again:-) “

Our readers have been very vocal about this topic on the SEScoops comments section … Comment below and let us know what you think about the situation – does Helms have a point attacking HBK – or is he way out of line by judging his religious faith?