Eric Bischoff On WCW’s Policy For Hiring ECW Wrestlers

Eric Bischoff says WCW didn't take ECW contracts seriously.

Eric Bischoff recently spent some time on his 83 Weeks podcast talking about hiring wrestlers from ECW to bring into WCW. According to Bischoff, ECW contracts were not anything WCW took seriously.

Conrad asked Bischoff if he was worried about contractual agreements Raven and Stevie Richards were supposedly still under to ECW when they were brought into WCW.

“I wasn’t worried about it,” Bischoff said about the pair’s ECW contracts.

“You could drive a half-tonne pickup through the holes that were in the ECW contracts. And a lot of those contracts were non-existent. Paul would say ‘we’ve got him under contract,’ we’d go to the talent and say ‘are you under contract?’ ‘No’.”

“Or you’d look at the contract and realize that you could drive a truck through it or Paul had already breached the contract so it was no longer really a contract. It was such a cluster when it came to anything that ECW professed to have contractually that for the most part, we took none of it seriously.”

ECW filed a lawsuit against WCW for tortious interference. Conrad noted that Paul may have been familiar with a rumored Turner policy of settling all lawsuits under $100,000.

“I think Paul (Heyman) was doing what Paul knew he could do to get a payday.”

“Yes, Paul was just looking for a payday. There was no valid claim, there was no valid agreement, Paul could not have afforded to take this to court.”

Bischoff’s comments can be heard in the player below:

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