Eric Bischoff On Wishing He Quit WCW In 1998

Eric Bischoff wishes he would have quit WCW in 1998.

1998 was an interesting year in WCW. The NWO split into two factions, NWO Hollywood and NWO Wolfpac. Goldberg was beginning to gain traction on Nitro. At the start of the year, WCW had a stranglehold on the ratings as well. Following WrestleMania 14 that year, however, things began to change. WWE would win the ratings war for the first time in 83 weeks on April 13th, 1998. WCW would only win it 8 more times before being bought out in 2001.

Bischoff says he wishes he had quit WCW that year. He spoke with Conrad Thompson on his podcast about it.

“The only regret I’ve ever really admitted to, to myself, not to anyone else, to myself, was regretting the fact that I didn’t quit WCW in July of 1998,” Bischoff said on the show.

“I saw the handwriting on the wall, I saw what was going on and I saw where it was taking me,” Bischoff continued. “90% of my battles weren’t being fought in a booking meeting or a creative meeting my battles were being fought internally and it took me away from creative.”

“I didn’t prioritize creative and we started just doing what was quickest and easiest and made sense in the moment as opposed to really digging in and being passionate about it the way we were in 96, 97 and early 98 before the whole AOL/Time Warner thing started happening.”

Bischoff’s comments can be heard in the player below:

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