Home News JR Blog: Royal Rumble, TNA vs. WWE, Booker T, Younger Stars

JR Blog: Royal Rumble, TNA vs. WWE, Booker T, Younger Stars


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR said about:

Who Will Win The Royal Rumble: “My early pick to win the 2011 Royal Rumble would have to be John Cena.”

WWE’s Future & Developing New Stars: “The long term future of WWE appears to be bright to me. The company has a strong infrastructure manned by some intelligent, hard working professionals and have continued to take positive steps in putting their footprint around the Globe.  As in any other entertainment or sports entity for that matter, the development of the next wave of superstars who can transcend the biz is imperative. WWE is an attraction oriented business and when new, main event level, attractions evolve and become established then ‘business will pick up’ without question.”

Whether TNA Ever Seriously Compete WWE: Some fans of TNA have asked me when I predict the time line that TNA will over take WWE in the marketplace. Without coming off as a tool but simply being totally realistic, the answer is never. But wait, there’s more….does it matter? I would suggest to you that TNA has all they can say grace over making their brand stronger and are likely, if they are smart, not even trying to compete w/ WWE but only with trying to make themselves better. WWE is the NFL and no other football league will ever touch the NFL. Period. End of story. That certainly doesn’t mean that another league can’t make money and be viable in their world. I’ll never wish TNA or any other company ill will but IMO this is the reality of the matter and the answer to a question we seemingly get all the time. I can assure you that I want our on line biz to grow but I don’t fixate on other similar sites but instead try to think of ways to make our site better.”

Booker T’s Potential As An Announcer: “I do think that Booker T could be an effective broadcaster on  a wrestling TV show if paired with the right partner and given some time to establish his body of work and timing with his partner. I could also see Booker being a great manager, if the manager role, which would be new in today’s world, was brought back. “