Home News Mustafa Ali Explains The Logic Behind RETRIBUTION’s Names

Mustafa Ali Explains The Logic Behind RETRIBUTION’s Names

Mustafa Ali Explains The Logic Behind RETRIBUTION’s Names
Mustafa Ali was revealed as the leader of Retribution on Raw

RETRIBUTION leader Mustafa Ali has addressed why the stable’s members have names like T-BAR, Slapjack, Mace, and Reckoning.

Ali appeared on Raw Talk last night following Monday Night Raw, where he opened up about the names’ origins.

When first asked about the names, Ali scoffed at the question. He mocked R-Truth for asking it, questioning how a Superstar named R-Truth can even ask about odd names.

“Let me tell you why the members of RETRIBUTION look the way they look, and have the names they have,” Ali said. “Imagine being judged by your name. Imagine being mocked because of how you look. Now, imagine a guy named Mustafa Ali that gave the members of RETRIBUTION names and masks so that they can feel what he feels. So that they, too, can be judged by their names and how they look. It’s a crazy concept, isn’t it?”

Later in the show, Charly Caruso pushed Ali for a further explanation behind the Slapjack and T-BAR monikers. At this point, Ali asked RETRIBUTION to join him on-air. They subsequently interrupted the show, abruptly ending Raw Talk.

Mustafa Ali would also upload a short video to his Twitter account, reiterating his explanation of his deeper reasoning and logic behind the names chosen for his RETRIBUTION members.