AEW Signs Max Caster & Anthony Bowens

Max Caster & Anthony Bowens are All Elite.

All Elite Wrestling has added Max Caster & Anthony Bowens to its roster.

The duo has wrestled as a team on the last two episodes of AEW Dark. They defeated Aaron Solow and Angel Fashion on the show last night but lost to the Best Friends the week prior. Their team name is “The Acclaimed”.

AEW took to Twitter to officially announce the news and welcome them to the team. The Acclaim are #AllElite.

The Acclaimed

Max Caster made his pro-debut in 2015. He was trained at the Create-A-Pro Wrestling Academy by Brian Myers & Pat Buck. Caster also wrestled a couple of matches on AEW Dark back in June before his two matches teaming with Bowens recently. Anthony Bowens was trained by Pat Buck and Dan Maff. He made his pro-debut in 2013.

The Acclaimed had never teamed before aligning on AEW Dark. They are 1-1 as a unit.

There are a few tag-teams starting to emerge on AEW Dark as of late. In addition to the Acclaimed, Luther & Serpentico (the Chaos Project), and Griff Garrison & Brian Pillman Jr. have become established teams.

AEW is back in Daily’s Place for Dynamite tonight. The below matches have been scheduled for the card:

  • MJF & Wardlow vs. The Inner Circle (Ortiz & Sammy Guevara)
  • Trent (w/Chuck Taylor) vs. Miro (w/Kip Sabian)
  • Colt Cabana & The Dark Order (John Silver & Ten) vs. Cody & The Gunn Club (Austin Gunn & Billy)
  • Scorpio Sky vs. Shawn Spears (w/Tully Blanchard)
  • Nyla Rose vs Red Velvet

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