Home News Jim Ross Comments On WWE Changing Its Cannabis Policy In 2008

Jim Ross Comments On WWE Changing Its Cannabis Policy In 2008

Jim Ross Comments On WWE Changing Its Cannabis Policy In 2008
Jim Ross (Photo: Vice)

Jim Ross spent some time recently on his “Grillin JR” podcast discussing changes to WWE’s cannabis policy in 2008.

“I’m not advocating yay or nay. I’m 420-friendly in my personal life. It works for me when done correctly. People are going to make a big deal out of this. I’m sure it’ll be a clickbait thing,” JR said. “I’d rather have a talent go to his room or her room and smoke a joint, get some room service, watch a movie, as opposed to be out gallivanting around.”

Conrad Thompson noted on the show that in 2008 the policy was changed so that testing positive for cannabis was not counted as a wellness violation. Additionally, testing would only occur once per year. The fine for a positive test was made $1000.

“I think marijuana should be legal and it should be taxed and it should create new money,” he continued.

“Look at how the NFL does it, they don’t discourage it,” JR continued. “They say they do, they have to say they do but if they did they would have a much more stringent testing program.”

Jim Ross’ comments on WWE’s cannabis policy can be heard in the player below:
