Home News John Cena & Triple H’s In-Ring Returns, HDNet, Kmart

John Cena & Triple H’s In-Ring Returns, HDNet, Kmart


– John Cena returns to the WWE house show circuit this weekend, which is a good sign his leg injury is no longer an issue. Cena will be wrestling tonight in Chattanooga, Tennessee and on Saturday in Beaumont Texas.

– WWE has also begun promoting Triple H’s return to the ring, with his next scheduled match advertised for March. Triple H will be wrestling Sheamus in a Street Fight at the 3/19 Madison Square Garden show, so his return to television is imminent.

– With cable channel HDNet ending its relationship with Ring of Honor in April, a source within HDNet has informed us that there are no immediate plans to air another wrestling show.

– Starting in March, most of the WWE live events will be sponsored by KMART.