Matt Hardy Fires Back At “Shock Jock” Jim Cornette’s Negativity Towards AEW

Matt Hardy Jim Cornette

Matt Hardy is arguably one of the most innovative wrestlers of the current era. Jim Cornette, on the other hand, has been frequently critical of the current state of the wrestling business. The two have been clashing on social media as of late.

Ironically, this all started when Matt Hardy put out a tweet encouraging people to not be so negative online. He wrote, “If you read/watch someone’s take & you dislike it, why would you waste any of your time to negatively comment on it? This is odd. Move on. People believe differently than you, whether you accept it or not. Unless someone’s being unethical & immoral, let people live their life.”

This led to someone commenting that Hardy sometimes is sometimes critical of Jim Cornette online.

Naturally, this led to Jim Cornette responding.

Matt Hardy & Jim Cornette’s Exchange

“Not a gig, Matt, just my real opinions since I’m done with this dog & pony show some of you guys call wrestling these days. A shame what’s happened to the business. Had great respect for you when you didn’t teleport to other dimensions and change clothes in a fucking ice machine,” Cornette Tweeted.

Reby Hardy wasn’t going to just sit on the sidelines while someone insulted her husband.

Things then started back up in the thread this morning. Hardy sent out the following at 9:30 AM.

“Your principles will always be tested by people who care more about fame than integrity or money instead of what’s right. Cash in & be a whore or stand up for what you believe in and have a bunch of stupid idiots say you “can’t change.” Words of wisdom. Also don’t do stupid shit,” Cornette responded to Hardy’s Tweet.