Home News Eric Bischoff Comments On Curt Hennig’s Time In WCW

Eric Bischoff Comments On Curt Hennig’s Time In WCW

Eric Bischoff Comments On Curt Hennig’s Time In WCW

Curt Hennig signed with WCW in mid-1997 during the height of the Monday Night Wars. Eric Bischoff recently spent some time on his 83 Weeks Podcast talking about Hennig’s time in the company.

Bischoff spoke about how he had a lot of expectations for Hennig coming into WCW as he had been a fan of his work previously.

“Consciously or subconsciously there was a lot of expectation that I had,” Bischoff said. He would continue to say, however, that injuries really hampered Hennig’s ability during his time in WCW.

“After a certain point you have to go ‘it’s just not there anymore.’ And you understand why, I understood why, the end was just injuries. Your back is kind of a big deal,” Bischoff said.

“You can work around certain injuries, I guess,” Bischoff continued. “But a back is you can’t sit, you can’t sleep, you can’t stand up, you can’t walk and you can’t not walk. I mean, you’re in constant pain and you have to be really careful about what you do in the ring and really work around a lot of things and not do things you used to be able to do. I think that reality became clear by this point, for sure,” Bischoff continued.

Hennig spent 3 years in WCW from mid-1997 until mid-2000. During that time, he won the United States Championship once and held the tag titles once along with Barry Windham as the West Texas Rednecks.

Bischoff’s conversation with Conrad Thompson can be heard in the player below:
