MLW Battle Riot III aired this past weekend weekend on BeIN Sports and YouTube. The show kicked off Cesar Duran (Lucha Underground’s Dario Cueto) announcing that he is MLW’s new match maker.
“My reputation for super luchas and violence is second to none!” Duran said. “I’ve introduced you to the best luchadores in the sport today and I’ve even created the most imagitive matches of the century.”
“I’ve reached an agreement with MLW that my company, Azteca Underground, yes, will promote fights for MLW. Yes! But wait, there is more,” he continued. “I’ve made a deal with Court Bauer, you’re matchmaker in MLW!”
Duran’s Azteca Underground promotion was later featured in a promo for MLW’s new mini-series set to debut next month “MLW Fusion Alpha.”
“The world has changed. Wrestling is at war! Invasions! Alliances! Raids! Jumps! Beware!! Major League Wrestling is under attack. Who will rise up? An Underground Revolution begins. A deal with the devil?! Who do you trust? A league is shattered? MLW Fusion Alpha. A mini-series. August 2021.”
The promo for MLW’s new mini-series begins around the 18:20 mark of the below video. Watch MLW’s Battle Riot III in the player below: