Bret Hart Honored By Canada Walk of Fame Induction

Bret Hart will be honored on Canada’s Walk of Fame on December 17th. Chris Jericho is set to induct him during the ceremony. Hart recently spoke to the Toronto Sun about what the induction means to him.

“It will always mean a lot when you’re celebrated and honoured amongst your peers and fellow wrestlers,” Hart said.”The WWE Hall of Fame always meant a lot to me. This is even higher to me in a sense. You’re being lumped in with Canadians – great Canadians and the contributions they’ve made in their fields. It means a lot to me to be honoured by Canadians across the country for my wrestling career.”

Among other inductees for this year’s Canada Walk of Fame are Bruce Cockburn and Keanu Reeves.

Hart talked about some of the best matches of his career. He noted a flag match from 1997 in Halifax he had as one of his favourites.

“I think one that stands out is a flag match I had in Halifax at the height of the U.S. and Canada bashing (storyline in 1997). It was me, Jim Neidhart , Owen, (Brian) Pillman and Davey Boy (Smith) . It was all five of us on one side. I remember we ended up winning and it just pissed off the American wrestling fans so much.”

Much like MJF did in Long Island last week on AEW Dynamite, the Hart Foundation cheated to win the match and the Halifax fans cheered them on while they did it.

“We cheated all the way through the match and we celebrated like the good guys and the (Halifax) fans cheered. It was very warped in a sense because the American fans were like, ‘that ain’t right.’ The next week we’d be in San Antonio where they wanted to kill us.”

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