Home Results AEW Dynamite Results (2/23): MJF & CM Punk, Buddy Matthews Debuts, Title Match

AEW Dynamite Results (2/23): MJF & CM Punk, Buddy Matthews Debuts, Title Match

AEW Dynamite Results (2/23): MJF & CM Punk, Buddy Matthews Debuts, Title Match

AEW Dynamite aired live from the Webster Bank Arena in Bridgeport, Connecticut. There was a tag team Battle Royal tonight with the winning team getting a shot at the titles at Revolution. Jade Cargill defended the TBS Championship against The Bunny and Bryan Danielson faced Daniel Garcia in tonight’s main event.

Dynamite Results

  1. Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly won the Battle Royal to get into the AEW tag title match at Revolution
  2. Death Triangle def. Kings of the Black Throne
  3. Ricky Starks def. 10 to qualify for the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match
  4. Jade Cargill def. The Bunny to retain the TBS Championsip
  5. Bryan Danielson def. Daniel Garcia

Here are the takeaways from this week’s show:

reDRagon Won The Tag Team Battle Royale

The Battle Royale kicked off the show to determine AEW Tag Team Champions Jurassic Express’ opponents for AEW Revolution. Butcher & Blade connected with some Clotheslines outside the ring. Blade eliminated Reynolds but John Silver sent Blade over the top rope. Gunn Club posed in the ring while everyone battled around them. Santana & Ortiz unloaded some punches but Gunn Club battled back. Santana & Ortiz eliminated Gunn Club from behind.

Butcher unloaded some more Clotheslines and knocked Young Bucks to the canvas. Fish and O’Reilly got in some offense but but Butcher sent them down with another Clothesline. Trent went for a Tornado DDT but Butcher blocked it and countered into a Suplex in the middle of the ring. Butcher threw Trent over the top rope but he held on. Chuck made the save and shared a hug with Trent before dumping Butcher over the top rope.

Chuck Taylor and Trent beat Bobby Fish and O’Reilly down. Bobby Fish hit Chuck with a Dragon Screw and then Kyle O’Reilly eliminated Chuck. Private Party were eliminated and Matt Hardy was disappointed. Santana & Ortiz eliminated 2.0. Young Bucks eliminated Ortiz and hit Santana with a couple Suerkicks. FTR and Young Bucks had a stare down before Fish & O’Reilly broke it up.

Dax Harwood unloaded some chops to Bobby Fish in the corner of the ring. FTR tried to eliminate Kyle O’Reilly but he held onto the ropes. They tried again but Kyle would’t let go of the ropes. FTR went for it a third time but Nick Jackson made the save. FTR then launched Nick Jackson over the top rope.

Santana beat Matt Jackson down in the corner as Fish & O’Reilly slammed Trent to the canvas. Fish & O’Reilly tried to eliminate Trent but Orange Cassidy made the save. Trent unloaded a Suplex on O’Reilly and sent Fish to the corner. Trent planted Bobby Fish with a DDT and eliminated him as Dynamite went to a commercial break.

When Dynamite returned, Cash Wheeler was eliminated and tried to get back into the ring but the referees prevented him. Kyle O’Reilly, Dax Harwood, Santana, Trent, John Silver, and Matt Jackson were the final 5. Silver hit Matt with a German Suplex and then a Backstabber.

O’Reilly unloaded some knee strikes to Silver but turned around into a DDT from Harwood. Santana and Trent circled each other and traded punches as the crowd cheered. Trent hit a Suplex but Santana responded with a big Clothesline. Santana booted Trent to the apron but he held onto the ropes. Matt and Kyle then eliminated Santana & Trent to a chorus of loud boos.

The crowd was now heavily behind John Silver as Matt tried to eliminate him. Dax planted Kyle with a Suplex and battled with him to the ring apron. Bobby Fish tripped up Harwood from behind to eliminate him. It was now down to O’Reilly, Fish, and Silver. John planted them both with a Suplex and unloaded some Clotheslines. Silver flexed before hit a running boot to the back of Matt’s head.

Matt hit Silver with a Superkick and O’Reilly followed it up with a Suplex. Matt sent John Silver over the top rope but Kyle snuck up from behind for the elimination on Matt. Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly have earned their way into the AEW Tag Team Championship match at Revolution. AEW Champion Hangman Page made his way to the ring following the match and attacked Bobby Fish. Adam Cole rushed the ring for the save and Hangman beat him down. Hangman set up for the Buckshot Lariat but O’Reilly & Fish made the save. John Silver then hit a Cannonball onto them.

Hangman hit the Buckshot Lariat on O’Reilly before cutting a promo on Adam Cole. Page stated


MJF Cut An Incredible Promo On CM Punk

MJF came to the ring to loud “CM Punk!” chants. Maxwell said he used to love CM Punk too and asked the crowd for an opportunity to speak without being booed. MJF admitted that the photo Punk showed was important to him and that he loves professional wrestling. MJF added that day meant everything to him and was 11 years old with a bunch of learning disabilities.

Maxwell said he ADD but the one thing he was good at was football and joked that he was one of the only jewish kids that tried out. MJF told a story of being beaten up by some bullies and how they launched quarters at him shouting “pick it up jewboy!”. MJF claimed that was the day he got to meet his hero at an autograph signing. He said that he made a promise to become like CM Punk and be the best in the world.

MJF brought up January 2014 and claimed that CM Punk left him and the crowd when they needed him most. Maxwell claimed that caused him to quit on his dreams for a period of time. MJF vowed to not quit at Revolution because he would be no better than CM Punk and wanted to be the “best in the world” now in spite of his former hero.

CM Punk marched down to the ring and stared at Maxwell from the apron. Punk got in the ring with MJF who appeared to be emotional. CM Punk asked MJF if what he just said was true but Maxwell didn’t answer. MJF exited the ring with tears in his eyes as Punk looked confused.


Buddy Matthews Debuted & Aligned With Malakai Black

Kings of the Black Thrown (Brody King & Malakai Black) faced PAC & Pentagon JR. Penta unloaded some Superkicks before the bell rang. The match officially started and Pac connected with a 450 Splash. Penta and Pac then kept Malakai Black isolated in the corner.

Brody eventually got the tag and unloaded some strikes. Brody beat Pac down in the corner for a bit before Malakai tagged in. Malakai and Brody then isolated Pac in the corner and took turns beating the hell out of him. Brody King hit a dive onto Penta and Pac before the action returned to the ring. King connected with a German Suplex on Pac for a near fall. Malakai went to spit the mist but Penta covered his mouth. Penta then rolled up Malakai for the pinfall victory.

After the match, the lights went out and Buddy Matthews debuted. Buddy attacked Pac & Penta as Malakai laughed. Buddy Matthews is in the Kings of the Black Thrown. Malakai demanded that Buddy stomp Penta’s face into the chair.


Jericho & Kingston Will Battle At Revolution

Chris Jericho & Eddie Kingston met face to face tonight on Dynamite. Kingston mocked the security in the ring and Jericho called Eddie a street thug. Eddie responded by saying he’s not a sports entertainer like Jericho and this is a wrestling company. Jericho joked that they are down the road from Stamford but this sports entertainment is actually entertaining.

Jericho told Eddie that he had never heard of him before AEW hired him and joked that he thought they were talking about Eddie Edwards at first. Jericho added that Eddie looks like a jobber but complimented his promo skills. Chris said that Eddie got over his issues and made it to the big time at 38 years old, before bragging about getting there when he was 22. Jericho pointed out that he had already main event PPVs and made several millions of dollars by the time he was Eddie’s age.

Kingston joked that the only reason Jericho main evented PPVs in the past is because he wasn’t there. Kingston challenged Jericho to a match at Revolution. Jericho told Kingston that deep down he knows he is a failure that cannot win the big one. Chris accepted the challenge and Kingston told him to be the version of himself that won the AEW Championship & that “Levesque hated” (Triple H).

Ricky Starks Qualified For The Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match

10 battled Ricky Starks in a Face of the Revolution Qualifying match. The winner will get a spot in the Ladder Match at the PPV to become the #1 contender for the TNT Championship. Starks and 10 locked up to begin the action. 10 took control and connected with a delayed Vertical Suplex as Dynamite went to a commercial break.

When Dynamite returned, 10 locked in the Full Nelson and started dragging Starks around. Ricky escaped and raked at 10’s eyes before hitting him with a Spear for the pinfall victory. Ricky Starks has qualified for the Face of the Revolution Ladder Match.


Jade Cargill Retained The TBS Title

Jade Cargill defended the TBS Championship against The Bunny tonight on Dynamite. Cargill dominated the match early but Bunny battled back as the action spilled out of the ring. The Bunny sent the champ into the barricade with a Russian Leg Sweep as Dynamite went to a commercial.


When Dynamite returned, Bunny poked Cargill in the eye but couldn’t capitalize as Jade connected with a Spinebuster. Matt Hardy went for a distraction and then threw Bunny brass knuckles. Mark Sterling slid the title into the ring and Jade used it to block the brass knuckles. The referee ejected Sterling and Hardy. Cargill connected with Jaded for the pinfall victory and retained the TBS Championship.

After the match, Jade gets on the microphone and wondered who was next. Tay Conti interrupted and said that she isn’t just next, she is going to be the one to beat Jade’s ass. Conti got into the ring and the two started talking trash. Jade kissed Conti on the forehead like she was a kid and a brawl broke out. The Bunny tried to attack Conti from behind but ran into a pump kick. Cargill leveled Conti with a big boot to end the segment. Cargill versus Tay Conti for the TBS Championship was later announced for Revolution.


Danielson Challenged Moxley To A Match At Revolution

Bryan Danielson squared off against Daniel Garcia in the main event of this week’s episode of Dynamite. Danielson and Garcia traded punches and uppercuts to begin the match. Garcia lit up Danielson’s chest with a chop and Bryan smirked at him. Garcia went for some more chops but Bryan was ready and tackled him to the canvas. Danielson went for the LeBell Lock but Garcia got to the ropes as Dynamite went to a break.

When Dynamite returned, Bryan and Garcia battled towards the ropes. Danielson Suplexes Garcia out of the ring and to the floor. Bryan then followed it up with a running knee off of the ring apron. Back in the ring, Daniel Garcia took control and got Bryan in an Ankle Lock. Bryan crawled towards the ropes but Garcia broke the hold only to unload a bunch of stomps to Danielson’s head. Danielson battled back and returned the favor with some stomps of his own. Danielson then locked in the Triangle and flexed as Garcia tapped out.


Danielson began a promo after the match but 2.0 showed up to beat him down. Jon Moxley made the save and sent 2.0 to the outside. Danielson prevented Garcia from hitting Moxley with a chair and Jon planted Daniel with the Paradigm Shift. Danielson grabbed the microphone and told Moxley that if they need to bleed together, he won’t need a chair. Danielson told Moxley that he’s got a match at Revolution if he wants it and the two had a stare down to close the show.