Home Interviews Briana Brandy (B Fab) Talks Hosting WWE RAW Underground with Shane McMahon

Briana Brandy (B Fab) Talks Hosting WWE RAW Underground with Shane McMahon

Briana Brandy (B Fab) Talks Hosting WWE RAW Underground with Shane McMahon

Former NXT and WWE Superstar Briana Brandy (B-Fab) recently spoke with SEScoops correspondent Steve Fall for NBC Sports Boston about Shane McMahon randomly asking her to co host WWE’s experiment Raw Underground with him. 

“That moment actually just happened! When I was there I mean they had … you could see on Raw Underground they had people surrounding the ring and like the crowd was right there in the match.”

“Shane McMahon’s like you have a great look… I might need… I might want someone to co-host the show (Raw Underground) with me.

Shane McMahon asked Briana, “Would you be interested …. like are you comfortable and I was like coming from music in my background like that I was like I’m very comfortable on the mic like I’m more comfortable there than I am in the ring right now because I just learned this….. you know …. so he’s like just just be prepared I’ll let you know maybe in the coming weeks if I need a co-host.

I’m shook…. I’m like oh my gosh I can’t believe you just asked me this like I could be co-hosting Raw Underground this is insane you know what I’m saying? So I’m thinking that it’s coming in the future I’m prepared you know in that moment always, but just in a few weeks he’ll maybe ask me to do this and I might be doing Raw Underground. He goes to a meeting he comes back that same day and he’s like hey you ready and I was like ready for what? He’s like I’m thinking I’m gonna use you today like I want you to close with me today and I was like oh okay all right let’s go. He said okay I’m going to have you end up interviewing Braun Strowman so I need you to come with some questions to ask him and I’m like all right like let’s do this you know I got this so yeah it just happened….. drop of a dime … the opportunity came about and he just asked me on the spot and I had to be ready and that’s how I got the job doing that.”