MAILBAG: Will Kurt Angle Return To WWE Later This Year?

SEScoops Mailbag for February 25th

(submit YOUR questions to

Q: What’s WWE’s plan for Tyler Black (aka Seth Rollins)? I know he’s been in developmental for a while and had a few dark matches, but I thought we’d see him on Smackdown or even Superstars by now? Any word on when he’ll make his official television debut? – Matt

A: Rollins debuted in FCW on September 30th and while that does seem a bit excessive for someone at his skill level, it’s actually not as long as some others have been floundering in FCW before being called up to the main roster. No word yet on an official debut, but I would not have minded him in the role currently filled by Mason Ryan in Nexus, building to an eventual face turn against fellow ROH alum CM Punk.

Q: I was thinking about how Evan Bourne should be returning soon and
since Daniel Bryan is currently not feuding with anyone, I thought this would make for a great program for the U.S. Title. I would love to see this play out and would be satisfied if it lasted about as long as the program Miz had with Bryan. Your thoughts? – Michael R.

A: Bourne is penciled in to return from shoulder surgery on the March 14th tapings in St. Louis. However, he may not be ready by that date and his return may be delayed. I think a Bryan/Bourne feud, for a title or not, would be fantastic and again, a battle between two former ROH stars. That said, I cannot see WWE pitting two small wrestlers, let alone small babyfaces, against one another in a program on Raw.

Q: Do you think Kurt Angle will return to WWE after his TNA contract expires? – Anonymous

A: I don’t think Kurt will return to WWE in 2011. Rumor has it his TNA contract is due to expire this summer and I’d be surprised if he wasn’t already in discussions with them about a renewal. The schedule TNA offers is much more beneficial than what WWE would offer and while I do think he should end his career where it began, I think he will stay loyal to Dixie Carter and the folks in Orlando.

Q: Am I the only person who noticed that nobody even acknowledged the fact that Vince McMahon was supposed to have been in a coma for the last 6 months or so and then he shows up on RAW two weeks ago and announces there will be a special guest host for Mania and nobody says a word about it!? Why does WWE just drop storylines like this? It really just insults the audience’s intelligence. – Glenn Danford

A: WWE never said Vince was in a coma. That was one isolated skit on a show back in November that was done with their tongue planted firmly in their cheek. If they had referenced it again since that episode or made a real storyline out of it, then I would be just as frustrated as you are. But they didn’t, so I don’t hold that against them. And really, of all the start-and-stop storylines over the years, THIS is the one you complain about?

Q: On Twitter, Billy Kidman keeps hyping WWE Tough Enough. I have no proof other then he keeps talking about it, but I think he could be one of the trainers [for the new season.] – Mathew Cross

A: First, Kidman is a trainer for the company down in FCW, so he’s likely just being a good employee by pimping their new show. Second, it has since been confirmed that he is, in fact, not a trainer for Tough Enough. Bill DeMott (the former Hugh Morrus of WCW fame), who was a trainer for previous incarnations of the show, is being brought back to join Steve Austin, Booker T and Trish Stratus.

Q: I never understood the May 19th storyline with Kane in 2006, but I do know that it ruined his relationship with the Big Show. Why didn’t he freak out two years later when [Raw fell on May 19th] again? – Boabel

A: It was a storyline created by WWE to help promote their first feature film, See No Evil. As you might guess, Kane was the star of that film. He would hear the date and it would drive him insane, a clever idea on WWE’s part to drive that date home with viewers. Big Show was teaming with Kane at the time and, in trying to calm his friend down, he repeatedly said the date and was promptly beaten for his troubles. Kane didn’t freak out two years later because he didn’t have another movie coming out. He’s a master of self-promotion!

Q: I saw an article saying that Undertaker was spotted at an airport in Austin, Texas. Then it was removed and replaced with an article saying he was spotted at the airport in Houston, Texas, waiting for a flight to California. I wanted clarification, so I went [and found a different article stating] he was spotted in the Austin, Texas airport. I’m just really confused right now. – Jason

A: I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I just had to include this as it reminded me of those awesomely cheesy skits from 1994 with the firemen and the deli butcher who claimed to have spotted The Undertaker during this period where nobody knew where he was. Thankfully, they brought in the late Leslie Nielsen to help solve the case.

Q: At SummerSlam 2010, Undertaker showed up inside the casket after it had already been opened twice. How did he sneak inside the casket since it was a regular one and not one of the “double wide, double deep” ones? – Ryan Begley

A: There was a trap door either directly underneath the casket or on its side closest to the ring, allowing him easy entry without being seen by the crowd. It’s the same way he escaped certain extermination at the 1998 Royal Rumble when Kane set the casket ablaze at the end of the show, presumably with him inside.

Q: I was doing a search on John Cena fans on the internet and I came across your e-mail address. I just have one quick question that I would like to ask you. If I could show you how to watch John Cena wrestling on all WWE Pay Per Views with no monthly fee and get 2,500 cable channels including movies for a one time fee, would you be interested? – Mark Flowers

A: Dear god, no.

Keep those questions coming to and remember to include your name!

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