Home News Bret Hart Talks Cole-Lawler, Russo, Sunny-HBK & More

Bret Hart Talks Cole-Lawler, Russo, Sunny-HBK & More


After going on a scathing tirade against Hulk Hogan last week on Twitter, WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart is back with another batch of fan Q&A … Here are some highlights of what Bret said about:

Lawler vs. Cole at WrestleMania: “I hope Lawler rag, bags, and shags (that’s british slang) him royally at WM.”

Shawn Michaels and Sunny In The Same Hall of Fame Class: “It’s kind of ironic. We’re all enjoying sunny days again. haha ;)”

Whether He Watched Laycool’s Parody Of Him A Few Weeks Ago: “Yes, I did. They did a good job. Michelle McCool is such a pro. Despite her beauty, she can stay heel which is difficult”

His Favorite WWE PPV: “The SummerSlam PPV has always been a favorite. Almost always had a good match at that event.”

Least Favorite WWE PPV: “Survivor Series. The initial concept was lame.”

Vince Russo’s Involvement In His Canada/USA WWE Storyline (1997): “Zero input from Russo for Canada/USA storyline. He wasn’t much more than a pencil holder till I left.”

Five TNA Originals Who Would Be Good in WWE: “AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Abyss, Kazarian, Jeremy Borash”

Pictures of Bret Hart’s New Wife (She’s Only 27)