Home News Pictures: Farewell Celebration For Edge After SmackDown

Pictures: Farewell Celebration For Edge After SmackDown


Following Tuesday’s WWE SmackDown tapings from Albany, New York, Edge came down to the ring one final time and did a “five second pose” with Christian in front of the live crowd. (SPOILERS)

The entire WWE roster (including Triple H) came out from the back and paid tribute to the Rated R Superstar, who wrestled his final match at WrestleMania 27 and is being forced into retirement due to injury. You can see pictures of the WWE roster paying tribute to Edge after SmackDown here:

Edge gave a long farewell speech, thanking everyone he could think of – including Christian, Lita, Kane and Vickie Guerrero.

According to a few live reports that were sent in from fans who were at the show, Edge’s farewell address was emotional and classy.

A much-deserved “Hall of Fame” chant broke out, which Edge seemed to really appreciate.

WWE cameras were filming the farewell address, so that footage will likely be posted online this week or could even be used for a future WWE DVD release.

UPDATE: Here is a more detailed recap of Edge’s post-SmackDown farewell speech, sent in by reader Eric Sturrock:

After Smackdown, went off the air, we were left with Edge and Christian in the ring.

Christian talks about the two of them together over the years. They say its time for a everyone with flash photography to get a 5 second pose for the final time ever. They do one towards the camera and then opposite camera and Edge is joking around doing karate moves.

Every single person backstage comes out on the stage. All the Superstars, Refs, etc. And they are all clapping. Edge gets emotional and looks back at them and walks around the ring. Edge goes to talk but can’t. Big Show, Rey Mysterio, and Chavo Guerrero come down to the ring and hug him and talk. Triple H’s music starts to play and HHH comes down to the ring. HHH gives Edge a big hug and they talk to each other. Edge is crying. I really hope WWE releases this on DVD or somewhere else as they have two cameramen in the ring recording plus the two cameras in the crowd.

Everyone is clapping and chanting “Edge” The Superstars in the ring leave back to the stage. Edge goes to follow but HHH tells him to stay in the ring. The tron shows Edge’s mom crying in the front row. Everyone on the stage leaves. Edge says he is really surprised and he did not know that was going to happen.

Edge says he has a lot of people he wants to thank. Edge thanks all the superstars backstage, the guys who set up and tear down the ring. Edge thanks the ring bell guy and everyone else ringside. He thanks the people who build the Titantron, he thanks the people who make the “Rated R Superstar” graphic on the tron. He thanks everyone in catering; he thanks the writers Brian Gerwertz and Michael Hayes. Edge says his career would not be where it is today if not for Hayes.

Edge says he wants to thank Vince not Mr. McMahon. He said Vince was the one person who believed in him and Edge knows he did not let him down. Edge thanks Christian as for all the years they were together because of the WWE. He says they reached their dream at Wrestlemania 16 when they stood on the ladders holding the tag titles in the air together.

Edge thanks Lita for all the fun they had together, Edge says for everyone to get their minds out of the gutter. He laughs and says, “OK we did it.”

Edge says he wants to thank Vickie Guerrero. Crowd boos. Edge laughs and says see she is doing great. Edge says Vickie is such a nice person and helped him in his career.

Edge says he does not want to ruin this person’s reputation but wants to thank Kane. Edge says Kane was a very close friend to him and was always there for him.

A fan yells to hug his Mom. Edge says he will hug his mom in a second. Edge talks to Booker and thanks him for everything.

Edge says he can’t do any more Edgaroonis as the last one he did gave him mat burn on his face. Booker T laughs.

Fans chants “Hall of Fame”. Edge says he hopes to be there someday.

Edge thanks all of his fans for all they have done. Edge says that we won’t see him for a long long time as he is going to take a lot of time to do things. He talks about mountains with his dogs and surfing in Nicaragua.

Edge puts the microphone down and goes outside the ring. Edge goes all around the ring shaking hands and signing autographs for people.

Either Michael Cole or Josh Matthews, when on the stage leaving bow down to Edge. Edge goes up to a guy who looks like him (Brother or Cousin?) and the hugs then and his Mom. Edge walks up the ramp and poses and walks backstage.