Home News Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia & Candice Discuss Tough Enough

Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia & Candice Discuss Tough Enough


Recap of Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia and Candice Michelle’s interview for www.InYourHeadOnline.com on Wednesday – By Nikhil Kalhan

Jack and OneInchBiceps were joined by the beautiful tandem of Torrie Wilson, Lilian Garcia and Candice Michelle. Catch their Touch Enough Recap show on www.ustream.tv/afterbuzztv after Raw every Monday.

Jack asked what should the contestants do when they meet wrestlers? Torrie says it depends on what wrestler you meet but you should shake everyone’s hand. Candice says it’s all about respect especially if they achieved what you wanted.

Jack asked how were they treated? Lilian said she was treated pretty well but a few whispers were said, she gave credit to Howard Finkel and Tony Chimel for training her. Candice Michelle said the men loved her and the woman hated her, she remembered Lita slapped her because she had the best spot to do makeup in the lockeroom. Torrie Wilson said no one had a welcoming party but she said everyone was pretty nice. She was happy to have Stacy Kiebler with her to keep up company. Jack asked what does the TV exposure on Tough Enough give for the losers? Lilian says its brilliant even if you haven’t won the competition you will get a contract because you are exposed to the world. Candice Michelle said WWE should wait to give contracts out after about a month not straightaway like what they have just done.

Jack asked was better for the winner to be on TV? Lillian says as long as they have planned and are ready its fine but depends on the push given by Vince McMahon. Jack asked their thoughts on the Alicia Fox versus Melina match from last week? Lilian said if that’s her favourite match, it’s her favourite match. Candice said she was new to the business so you can’t blame her. Lilian says she could do research on YouTube but how can she search people she doesn’t know.

Jack asked the girls how quickly did you get a passion into it? Candice said she watched when she was growing up, she had a Hulk Hogan doll. Candice said she stopped watching it for a few years when she moved to Los Angeles, but she had no regrets doing it, going to the ring early and getting respect. Torrie Wilson said she appreciated more in WWE then WCW, because she didn’t wrestle. Lilian goes it was rough for her and she didn’t know she was announcing till the morning of the show, she had to earn her respect which she did by learning wrestler’s towns and weights.

OneInchBiceps had a message from the board: Tommy D asked did Lilian enjoyed the feud with Howard Finkel? Lilian Garcia said it was her only match, she remembers doing a run-in and had a lot of fun. Jack asked if there was more pressure to do any more work? Lilian goes never because her role was different. Jack asked what was it like for woman in WCW? Torrie Wilson said it was hard especially at the power-plant where Madusa dropped her on her head. The experience was painful. Candice said her passion fell in love after about a year in the WWE. She enjoyed it often and it must hurt if you had no passion over.

Jack asked if it was hard to be friends of other woman? Candice said people would hate you and like you. It was just a bond which TLC have. TLC all said Stone Cold was the same character he is in Tough Enough. Jack asked their thoughts on Indie wrestlers not making it? Lilian said if you are good enough you will get in. Candice you have to make your dream come true and there are other ways to get in. Jack asked if they had any nick-names? They said that will be revealed later on. Candice said her Victoria and Lilian travelled together and Victoria was known as the “Queen-Bee”.

OneInchBiceps had a question from the board: Matt asked did she gain revenge on Charlie Haas for knocking her of the apron? Lilian said Charlie Haas felt really bad and they are still friends. It was good and it was turned into storyline.

Jack asked what advice would you give for the winner? Lilian said don’t have a big head and give respect when needed, Candice agreed and said be humble to people and they will give you the same. If you do the opposite they will get rid of you.

The twenty minute interview is available here.