*Spoilers* TNA iMPACT! Tapings Results For Thursday

Credit to John Benoit and PWInsider.com for this live report:

TNA iMPACT! (Airing This Thursday)

*Impact with a AJ Styles promo, coming down from the roof. He talks about Lockdown and asks Bully Ray for a match now in the cage. Bully Ray comes out cuts a long promo on AJ from the stage, teases getting in the cage until Daniels comes down and throws Bully in the cage and locks it. AJ beats up Bully and teases jumping off the top of the cage. Bully escapes.

*Gunner and Rob Terry come out and wants to face Beer Money in the cage for the TNA Tag Team champions and of course Beer Money accepts.

*Hulk Hogan cut a promo saying RVD missed his chance to join Immortal. Rob Van Dam comes out and they go back and forth talking about respect. Sting comes out and they announce it’s Sting vs. RVD at Sacrifice Sting said the Network gives him a clause that allows him to pick his challengers. Hogan got angry and said he’s going to find out who is running the Network soon enough.

*Later tonight, it will be Matt Hardy vs. Sting and Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss with Hogan in Abyss’ corner.

*TNA Knockout Tag Team champions Rosita & Sarita defeated Madison Rayne & Tara. Rayne and Tara were fighting amongst themselves.

*The Jarretts come out. Jeff is going to crown Karen the Queen of the Mountain since Jeff is the King. The fans chant “Sloppy seconds.” Kurt Angle comes out and Angleslams Jeff through a chair. He tells Karen it will never be over.

*Abyss defeated RVD after Hulk Hogan interfered. Crimson made the save.

*Matt Morgan came out and cut a promo about wanting a World title shot. Scott Steiner comes out and wants a title shot as well. Matt proposes a match and Steiner accepts, then beats up Morgan.

*TNA champion Sting defeated Matt Hardy. Post match, Anderson hit the Mic Check on both and cut a promo on Sting to end the show.


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