SPOILER Alert: The following article contains a spoiler for next week’s iMPACT!:
At Tuesday’s TNA iMPACT! tapings from Orlando (set to air next Thursday, 5/2), Mick Foley was revealed to be the person from “the network” that has been keeping Hulk Hogan in line.
Foley came out and interrupted a promo by Immortal, informing them that TNA iMPACT! will now be known as “Impact Wrestling” – and the show will be “all about wrestling” – a clear jab at WWE, which has been distancing itself from everything “wrestling” in recent months.
Later in the show, they actually re-shot the entire segment, with Mick Foley saying that the show is no longer “TNA” – but “Impact Wrestling”.
This led to some confusion as to whether it was the company name that was changing – or just the name of the television show.
In response to the confusion – Hulk Hogan tweeted the following on Wednesday, which appears to indicate that the “TNA” name is no more:
“No TNA. only IMPACT. HH”
TNA recently registered a trademark for the name “Impact Wrestling” and took over several domain names related to the trademarked name, including “ImpactWrestling.com.”
COMMENT BELOW: If indeed TNA Wrestling will now be known as “Impact Wrestling” .. What do you guys think of the new name? As crappy of a name as TNA was, “IW” doesn’t exactly sound like a catchy name .. What would YOU name the new TNA?
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