Home News Barbara Goodish On People Making Money Of Bruiser Brody’s Likeness & Image

Barbara Goodish On People Making Money Of Bruiser Brody’s Likeness & Image

Barbara Goodish On People Making Money Of Bruiser Brody’s Likeness & Image

It’s been over 36 years since Bruiser Brody’s passing and his wife Barbara Goodish is thankful for Greg Gagne in making sure profit off the late legend’s likeness is going to the right finally going to the right people.

Goodish was on-hand in Waterloo, Iowa for the Hall of Fame inductiona of Gagne, Arn Anderson, Tony Schiavone and other legends. During the festivities, she sat down with Greg and Marcus DeAngelo of One True Sport to talk about Bruiser Brody’s action figure that was introduced by PowerTown it’s first series line.

In an SEScoops early exclusive, Goodish touched upon how Brody’s likeness was taken advantage of over the years and how Gagne, Magnum TA & PowerTown shifted the power in favor of Brody’s family.

“I don’t think they realize what an honor it is with the family because I said in the 36 years so many people made so much money from his image, from his merchandise and the family has had nothing. So a lot of people have made money and then we have a lot people like PowerTown and is actually giving back to the family.”

Gagne reaffirmed Goodish’s thoughts on that, making it known that a primary part of him getting involved with PowerTown was making sure the families of legends were benefitting from merchandise and figures.

“I said, ‘Barb, here’s what we’re doing and we’re trying to represent the people that had never had the opportunity to make money merchandise,’ and there’s other people that were ripping everybody off.”

The next line of PowerTown figures is available for pre-order now and they feature Wahoo McDaniel, Jack Brisco, Kamala, Madusa, Junkyard Dog, and Dory Funk Jr.

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Greg Gagne On His History With Bruiser Brody

Gagne touched upon his dealings with Bruiser Brody in the ring. Gagne was one of the talents whom Brody really enjoyed working with, but Greg did note of the beatings he and Jim Brunzell would get from both Brody and Stan Hansen.

“First time I had an opportunity to wrestle him was in Japan, I’ll never forget it and he was an icon in the sport. A little off the wall, different than everybody else who was out there, but what an athlete.”

Brody tragically died after he was stabbed in Puerto Rico by Invader 2 (Jose Gonzalez) on July 17, 1988.

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