Eric Bischoff Appearing at MLW One-Shot On December 5

Eric Bischoff is heading to Major League Wrestling’s upcoming event from New York City on December 5, MLW One Shot.

Bischoff’s latest guest on his 83 Weeks podcast is Paul Walter Hauser, as the accomplished actor who has been heavily involved with MLW over the past few months. During their discussion, Hauser turned the tables on Bischoff, asking him if he ever gets the itch to get back in the business. Bischoff said that the feeling comes and goes, but he does particularly enjoy working in a backstage role and in the production realm of the business.

Hauser noted that he has MLW CEO Court Bauer in his phonebook and decided to call him on the spot. Bauer picked up, Hauser caught him up to speed and asked if he’d be open to working with the outspoken former wrestling executive.

“Without hesitation, the answer is absolutely yes. Dude, ERic going to enemy Territory in one place where he’s never promoted a show, new york city, for one night, calling the shots. That to me sounds like money.”

MLW President Court Bauer open to working with Eric Bischoff

Bauer then made the pitch for Bischoff to attend MLW One-Shot on December 5. Hauser, playing the facilitator, made clear he’d get the two in a group text to hammer out the details. On Thrusday afternoon, MLW confirmed Bischoff will be on hand.

The event is now being billed as, Eric Bischoff’s One-Shot: An Eric Bischoff Production. Tickets are now on sale at Eventbrite.

Both Tony Schiavone and Bruce Prichard worked for MLW both in production and commentary years back right as their podcasts began taking fire courtesy of Conrad Thompson. Bischoff has previously said he wouldn’t get involved with AEW, stating that the environment wouldn’t be fun for him.

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