Home News The Miz Named #1 In “PWI 500”, FCW Stars Appear On Raw

The Miz Named #1 In “PWI 500”, FCW Stars Appear On Raw


— The Miz, who held the WWE Championship for 160 days, has been named number one in Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s “PWI 500” list for 2011. The list, which is now in its 21st year, ranks the top 500 professional wrestlers in the world.

The official announcement has not yet been made, but PWI’s website displays the cover with the news.

The evaluation period for the “PWI 500” is from June 1, 2010, to May 31, 2011.

— WWE developmental wrestlers Aksana, Naomi and Percy Watson could be spotted during Rey Mysterio’s WWE Championship celebration on Raw.

— WWE Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter is advertised to appear at the Bowling Green Hot Rods game at Bowling Green Ballpark 300 8th Ave. Bowling Green, Kentucky on August 17. Game time is 7:05 PM. Gates open at 6:00 p.m. Visit www.bghotrods.com for more information.