*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Tonight

WWE SmackDown on Syfy

Here are detailed spoiler results for tonight’s WWE SmackDown on SyFy, taped Tuesday night from Lexington, Kentucky. Credit to Wrestling News World for this recap:

* It’s announced that Sheamus will face Mark Henry at SummerSlam but tonight he’ll face The Great Khali.

* Sheamus b. The Great Khali

* Natalya b. AJ and continues the assault after the match.

* Debuting new music, Daniel Bryan vs. Tyson Kidd. Winner via LeBell Lock, Daniel Bryan.

* Zack Ryder comes out with WWE Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson. Ryder gets on the mic and Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase interrupt. Teddy Long ends up coming out and informs Ryder he will face Jackson up next.

* WWE Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson b. Zack Ryder.

* Triple H comes out and ends up giving Zack Ryder the Pedigree off-camera. VIDEO:

* Mark Henry b. Vladimir Kozlov. Henry goes ballastic after the match which brings Sheamus out for the save.

* WWE Tag Team Champions David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty & JTG b. The Usos & Trent Baretta

* World Heavyweight Champion Christian & R-Truth b. Randy Orton & John Morrison when Christian pinned Orton.


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