Home News *SPOILERS* For Thursday’s TNA Impact (Sting vs. Flair)

*SPOILERS* For Thursday’s TNA Impact (Sting vs. Flair)


Credit to TNAInsider.com for the following spoilers…

* Mixed Tag Team Match: D’Angelo Dinero, Ms. Tessmacher & Tara defeated Mexican America

* Fortune come out and celebrates Bobby Roode’s bound for glory series win and his title shot at Bound For Glory next month. Kurt Angle comes out and informs Roode he will be facing Kazarian tonight.

* Velvet Sky defeated Angelina Love

* Both sting and Ric Flair cut promos in the ring hyping their match for later on tonight

* Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan in a No Surrender rematch.

* Bobby Roode defeated Kazarian. Kazarian submitted to Roode’s cross-face

* Bully Ray & Jerry Lynn defeated mr Anderson

* Sting defeated Ric Flair. Immortal attempted to attack sting but the attack backfires. Hogan and Sting have a stare-down after the match.