Home News Linda’s Senate Run Official, Edge Awards Wrestling Scholarship

Linda’s Senate Run Official, Edge Awards Wrestling Scholarship


— It’s been rumored for quite some time and now it’s official, former WWE CEO Linda McMahon will announce Tuesday that she’s once again running for United States Senate next year. The announcement will be made Tuesday morning from the Coil Pro factory in Connecticut.

“I am running for Senate to help give entrepreneurs like Jeff the legislative support they need to succeed,” McMahon said. “If we are going to get our economy growing again, government needs to be a partner, not an adversary to job creators. We need to send to Washington people who know how the economy works, who know how job creators think, who have created jobs and who have had to deal with the real-world consequences of the taxes and regulations Congress passes. You don’t fix the problems in Washington by sending back the same people who created them. I’m a job creator, I’m not a politician.”

For more on Linda’s decision to run, visit Connecticut’s Courtant.com.

— This past week, Edge gave a scholarship for free pro wrestling training to a young individual at Squared Circle Training in Toronto, ON. Check out this video featuring Edge awarding the scholarship to a young lady who is already working the independents: