Home News Undertaker Bar Fight Story Told By Dutch Mantel

Undertaker Bar Fight Story Told By Dutch Mantel

Undertaker Bar Fight Story Told By Dutch Mantel
The Undertaker

The latest blog entry from Dutch Mantel recalls a night than he and the Undertaker were out drinking, with the night ending in a bar patron being knocked out by Taker in one punch. The bouncers had seated us at the front of the bar but when Mark left, he headed into the back where the rest rooms were,” Dutch wrote.

“As I was looking into the crowd of people toward the back looking for Mark, I saw some activity going on and I heard some loud yelling. Since Mark was right beside me and he had been drinking, I had the wrestler’ss intuition that something was wrong. It took me 30 seconds to find out.

“Off I went to find Mark and as soon as I got close to the rear of the club, I saw some dude laid out all over the floor. Everybody was standing in a circle around the guy with some girl kneeling over him. He was in dreamland. I then saw Mark over to the side with the bouncers talking to him. I walked up and asked what had happened and the bouncer said that Mark had leveled this one guy with one shot and he dropped him like a bad habit.”