Home News JR Blog: WM28 Ticket Sales, Punk-Del Rio, DWTS

JR Blog: WM28 Ticket Sales, Punk-Del Rio, DWTS


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross is back with another blog update, which you can read in its entirety over at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights of what JR wrote about:

WM28 Ticket Sales: “Rock vs. @JohnCena on April 1. 2012 has WM28 being a hot ticket with over 43,500 tickets already sold and with some projecting that this mega event could gross around $9M in ticket sales when all is said and done in South Florida.”

Punk vs. Del Rio at Survivor Series: “Potential show stealer Sunday in my view is CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Title. Two, prideful men who have the opportunity that they will most certainly embrace and take deadly serious in a professional manner. I’m predicting a @CMPunk WWE title win Sunday BTW. Every wrestler with pride in what they do should want to create their own ‘MSG Moment’ as those live in one’s heart for a lifetime.”

JR on Dancing With The Stars? “I had a Hollywood type contact me to ask if I was interested in trying to get on Dancing With The Stars coming off the heels of Monday’s Raw in Boston. I said, no thanks and to stop the maddness. The purely-for- entertainment skit that we did last Monday on Raw should have proved to any one with sight that I have no dancing skills. However, I am grateful to those that commented on Twitter @JRsBBQ that they were entertained and got a laugh out of the craziness.”

“It was all done for entertainment purposes and it did earn a nice TV rating for Raw which is the primary objective of any TV broadcast. Has the JR/Cole never ending story finally come to a conclusion or is there more juice to squeeze out of that berry? TBD.”