Home News Mick Foley On Whether He Has One More Match Left In Him

Mick Foley On Whether He Has One More Match Left In Him


Arda Ocal (@arda_ocal) of The Score Television Network and #AftermathBlog had a chance to sit down and interview the hardcore legend and three-time WWE Champion, Mick Foley. Highlights:

His new career as a stand up comedian, and is his aspiration that it turns into something more, or were these tours it all along: “I’ll tell you were I didn’t want to lead, its me sitting on my couch 10 years from now saying I could have done that comedy if I just give it a try. I’ve done it a little bit a few years ago, but I got a little disheartened. I realized it would take alot of work, much more work I’d be willing to put in to really become good. I don’t know where it’s suppose to lead anywhere besides me to be able to speak about things that seem fun to me.”

On his latest book “Countdown To Lockdown” being plugged by WWE, and whether that started the train of thought of him wanting to return to the WWE: “I got a 203 area code phone call. It was WWE asking me if I mind if they mention my book on the air, and the other question was if you would like to do an interview with Joey Styles, and I was like yeah. So Joey called me up, and Ive known Joey for ages, and we have always gotten along very well, and he was like is this for real? Like, they have never done this to anybody, and what it did was it just instantly erased all the little grudges that I thought I had.”

Foley addresses the possibility of having “one more match” left in him, how his son has been asking him about it, and how he is physically capable of having a “decent” match (perhaps not an epic encounter), but he would need lead time to physically prepare. He also said that he likely doesn’t have one more book left in him, but he (jokingly) has the desire to be the leader in writer forewords for books.

Part two of Arda’s interview with Mick Foley will be released on Tuesday.