Home News Jericho Denies He’s Returning, Trish Declines Slammy Invite

Jericho Denies He’s Returning, Trish Declines Slammy Invite


– After Tuesday night’s WWE SmackDown tapings from Raleigh concluded, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Heath Slater beat down Randy Orton until Big Show made the save. Orton put Slater through a table to end the show.

– Chris Jericho was asked on Twitter about online reports that he’s returning to WWE to feud with CM Punk. Jericho, who is rumored to be returning to WWE in several weeks, called the reports “bogus, weak journalism.”

– WWE Games noted on Twitter that data from the new WWE ’12 video shows that CM Punk is the most-played superstar in the game.

– WWE officials Trish Stratus to appear at Monday’s Slammy RAW to present the Divalicious Slammy along with Lita. Trish turned down the offer because she would have to spend two full days traveling from/to Canada for a 5-minute television appearance. WWE was understanding about the situation and there’s no heat on Trish for declining the offer.