Home News Keith Kizer Talks Possible New Fastest KO Record

Keith Kizer Talks Possible New Fastest KO Record


The Nevada State Athletic Commision’s executive director Keith Kizer speaks on the issue of whether or not Duane “Bang” Ludwig should be the new UFC record-holder for fastest knockout.

“The ruling is that it stays at 11, There’s no legal avenue to overturn it. Sounds like them, We reviewed it, and it’s correct.” Kizer recently told sources. “‘Bang’ has the fastest knockout. It’s funny. The state athletic commissions are in place to look out for the fighters, but it seems like I’m always the one making sure they don’t get [expletive].” Kizer continues with “I did tell his people, I timed it myself with a stopwatch. It was eight seconds. Officially, it’s got to stay at 11 seconds, but unofficially, it could be at eight. If you use a stopwatch, from the time the fight starts to the time that Mario grabs Duane, it’s about 7.9 seconds,” he said. “Why the official timekeeper had it at 11, I don’t know. But it wasn’t 11, and it wasn’t four, either. They can say whatever they want,” Kizer stated. “Sounds like they want to be the WBC for some reason.”