Home News Randy Orton Update, Helms Undergoes Surgery, Calvin Raines

Randy Orton Update, Helms Undergoes Surgery, Calvin Raines


— Randy Orton’s physical rehabilitation on his back appears to be going well, as the Orton family is headed on a vacation this week. Orton tweeted on Tuesday:

“Alanna’s passport just came so we are ready for our family vacation! Tomorrow we’re off to the Bahamas!!”

— Former WWE star Shane Helms underwent another surgery on this morning morning. Helms tweeted:

“Still groggy and can barely see the keyboard, but surgery was successful. On my way home now.”

Helms has undergone several surgeries since he was injured in a motorcycle accident on May 5, 2011 and noted on Twitter that he hopes today’s surgery is the final one. He stated in a recent interview with prowrestling.net that he plans to return to the ring later this year.

— As previously reported, FCW wrestler Calvin Raines made his WWE debut at Sunday’s SmackDown live event in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Raines partnered with Drew McIntyre in a tag team match against Ezekiel Jackson and Trent Barreta. Some background information on Raines, he is a former student at Team 3D’s wrestling academy. He was actually released at one point for showing up late to FCW events and getting new tattoo work without first getting clearance from WWE.