Rumored Raw Guest Host, Goldberg's Huge Breakfast, Adamle


— TMZ cameras caught up with Bill Goldberg this week and asked the former WCW/WWE champion what his typical day is like and what he has for breakfast. Goldberg said he typically does 10 eggwhites and a half pound of turkey bacon for breakfast. When asked how much he can bench press, Goldberg said benching is for “pretty boys.” He trains for functional strength with dumbells and the camera man said he looks great for a 42 year old. You can see the video at

— Actor Verne Troyer, best known as “Mini Me” from the Austin Powers movies, is rumored to be hosting WWE Raw this fall. One can imagine the comedy gold WWE will come up with between him and Horswoggle.

— Former WWE announcer Mike Adamle recently competed the Iron Man World Championship, which included a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile marathon. Adamle told the Chicago Tribune, “This was the hardest thing I ever did. The conditions were amazing, the tire made me adjust on the fly, but it was something special everybody should experience once.” For more on the story, visit