Jim Ross Talks About WWE's Bragging Rights PPV

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog at JRsBarBQ.com with his thoughts about last night’s WWE Bragging Rights Pay-Per-View. Here’s what JR had to say about the top matches:

The 14-man Raw vs. SmackDown Match: Chris Jericho will likely continue to be the most despised man in WWE which is apropos and befits his ample skills. The SD team winning the 7 man tag, as I mentioned, surprised me but not in a bad way. Fans can choose to nit pick any 7 man tag all they choose but with 14 bodies in one, one fall match these massive tags are tough to navigate. The follow up, or fall out as it were, should make for some potentially intriguing TV. For any one who may think that 14 athletes are going to get “equal time” in a bout such as this isn’t realistic. The things that were top line issues got the focus they seem to need/warrant. I thought the 7 man tag delivered as expected, again in a challenging format. A Jericho/Big Show vs. DX issue looms one would assume.

World Heavyweight Title Match: “Fatal 4 Ways can only have so many agendas and the biggest thing to come out of the World Title Match was the Batista-Mysterio issue which should make for some interesting Friday Night Smackdown. The big, disgruntled bully against the smaller underdog seems to be a dog that will hunt.”

Cena & Orton’s Iron Man Match: “I throughly enjoyed the 60 Minute Ironman Match and that was the match that I would have most loved to have participated in from an old school perspective. Cena and Orton rose to the occasion, in a physically demanding environment and told a magnificent story to bring the PPV to the close it needed. Loved the physicality and intensity as ‘going the hour’ is a challenging piece of business. Cena is unquestionably and obviously the ‘Face of WWE’ which is no revelation but was certainly reaffirmed Sunday night. Orton has raised his game to an extraordinary level and he’s still not nearly as good as he is going to be considering his age and what lies ahead for the third generation wrestler. That’s a scary thought.”

To read what JR said about Miz vs. Morrison, the Divas Match and get an update on his MRI results, visit JRsBarBQ.com.

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