Home News Sound Off 95: Welcome to TNA's Monday Night Surprise Party!

Sound Off 95: Welcome to TNA's Monday Night Surprise Party!

Solomonster Sounds Off

Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 95)

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Est. Runtime: 1 hour, 14 minutes

Some of the topics discussed in this edition of the Sound Off include:

| Thoughts on the WWE vs. TNA “Monday Night Skirmish” with a final prediction on the rating for each

| TNA is apparently throwing a little surprise party on Monday night, and why this is a bad move

| Rumored lineup for WrestleMania 26 looks strong, but is it realistic? Who does WWE want to face John Cena?

| “Dr. Death” Steve Williams passes away at age 49, and a rant on cancer

| Sick of hearing about the Montreal Screwjob? Too bad because I’ll talk about that too…

Want your question on the air? Send feedback to THESOLOMONSTER@gmail.com.

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