Home News Triple H Reportedly Wants Bret Hart's WWE Return To Fail

Triple H Reportedly Wants Bret Hart's WWE Return To Fail


Regarding Shawn Michaels’ outlook on real-life rival Bret Hart returning to World Wrestling Entertainment, he is said to be happy that the “Hitman” is coming back and is more than willing to bury whatever hatchet there is between them.

On the flip side, Triple H has been telling people he doesn’t want Hart back in WWE and that he hopes his return to the company fails. Considering that his wife, Stephanie McMahon-Levesque, is head of creative in the company, it would appear that Vince McMahon may have to overrule his daughter and son-in-law if his storyline with Hart is to be a success. Providing things go well, a Hart vs. McMahon blow-off will be taking place at WrestleMania.

Hart’s animosity towards Michaels and Hunter can summed up in a few sentences in his 2007 autobiography release as he concluded Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling by saying he’ll never forgive either two for “killing the business” that so many people gave their lives for.

“When I got into the business, wrestling was all about trust and respect, and doing the honours meant something. I’ll never forgive Shawn, or Hunter, for killing the business that so many of us gave our lives for,” Hart wrote. “Although pro wrestling will never truly die, but always morph into something else, the business that I knew and loved and gave all I had to is dead and gone forever.”

Hart criticized Michaels further in his book’s afterword, notably calling him “a phony, liar and a hairless yellow dog.”

“Shawn Michaels found religion and settled down with an ex-Nitro girl. Over time he seemed to have convinced himself that it was me who screwed him over at Survivor Series. To me, Shawn will always be a phony, liar and a hairless yellow dog.” Hart continued, “The difference between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels is that I’d have never done to him, or to any of the boys, what he did to me.”

(Partial source: f4wonline.com)