Home News Kong Says "Slavery Is Not Over", Jarrett Audio From BTLS, More

Kong Says "Slavery Is Not Over", Jarrett Audio From BTLS, More


— In a video posted today on Qik.com, Awesome Kong said she has not yet spoken to TNA management regarding her future in the company, but will do so later today. She then says it’s sad that people don’t know the true story about things and that they can only assume what they hear.

Meanwhile, she mentions Abraham Lincoln several times during her video while standing in front of a statue of the 16th President of the United States, notably saying, “I thought slavery was over, but slavery is not over.”

— Last night’s iMPACT! broadcast featured “controversial” audio from Jeff Jarrett’s appearance on The Bubba the Love Sponge Show on Sirius/XM radio. In case you missed this “worked-shoot” angle, you can catch it at the following link.

— TNA has released “Pope” sunglasses at the following link.