Flair Interview: TNA Holding Him Back, Styles' Potential & More

Ric Flair and TNA Champ AJ Styles

The one and only Ric Flair was a guest on the Monday Night Mayhem radio show this week. Hosts Big Mosh, Blade, Todd Vincent, Chaz spoke to the Nature Boy about a number of topics and you can listen to an audio clip of the entire interview at MondayNightMayhem.com. Here are the highlights of what Flair said about:

His experience in TNA thus far: “When you said I was having more fun, that is a true statement. When I’m having fun, I’m better at this business than anybody actively in this business today, and I’m having a lot of fun. With me, I’ve had a phenomenal career, I never took the business seriously until about 1989 or 1990, and even then I was having fun, but it got to be business, and I didn’t understand that.”

“I’m having a ball with TNA, and I was a little hesitant, not because of anyone from TNA, I think Dixie Carter is phenomenal…it was leaving home again. After all those years with WCW to go the WWE, it was just hard because I spent 25 years of my life waving the banner of the NWA/WCW, and it was a difficult decision to make. But I’m having a ball, I love the people I work with, I love the role I have, and I really like this thing with AJ and I, and I think it’s gonna’ be a really big factor professional wrestling business.”

AJ Styles’ Potential: “It’s funny, because I think he’s gonna’ be a phenomenal champion, but no one person in this day and age can take a company to the next level. It takes a bunch of people…and not just the people in the ring. It takes people on the Creative Team, it takes the ownership group. It’s just so many equations that fit into that word next level. Certainly AJ will fulfill everything they ask of him and be a huge part of their success, but I don’t wanna’ say that AJ can turn the company around by himself. With me with him, it’s almost a done deal.”

Coming Out of Retirement & TNA Holding Him Back: “When Hulk called me about Australia, I thought ‘why not man?’ I feel good. I’m not hurtin’, I feel like a million bucks, I work out everyday. I’ve got too much energy to be sitting around at home…Ask my wife? Way too much energy…But I felt great so when the opportunity came around, I kinda’ just went ‘Let’s do it.’ And then from there, it evolved to this, but my legacy (after meeting Dixie Carter and being there for two tapings), will be enhanced by being there, and I’ll guarantee you that. And if I haven’t shown you guys that in the last couple of weeks, something’s wrong, because I’m juts getting going. They still got me on a muzzle up there, but when I get going and when they turn me loose in TNA, then we’ll really get going.”

Whether He’d Be a Booker In TNA: “I have no interest in being part of any of the storylines or creative. If they ask me a question, I’m gonna’ give them an straight answer, because I know a straight answer would be perceived as something I really feel. I don’t get involved in anyone else’s business. I’m there primarily the role is with AJ, to make our part of the show the very best it can be, and he and I will compete together against everyone else on that show…That’s how I live my whole life.”

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