Home News Kamala Posts Update Following Amputation, Yokozuna Tribute

Kamala Posts Update Following Amputation, Yokozuna Tribute


— Wrestling legend Kamala posted a Facebook update on his well-being after having his leg amputated late last year due to complications of high blood pressure and diabetes.

“I wish I could still be in the ring but deep down I know my time is up. Nowadays having only one leg it’s obvious. There is no turning back the hands of times. Thanks to all of you that write me and keeping me in your prayers. Right now my heart is broken but in time I know it will heal. I wish I had the skill to do something else but I dont know what it would be,” he wrote.

“I just don’t want the government taking care of me, that’s why when I was up and able I drove a truck. No matter what I once were it’s what I need to do now to support myself and family. I know it’s hard right now but I believe God has use for me. I’m coming back this way.”

— Territory League Wrestling will be holding the Rodney Anoa’i Cup honoring the late Yokozuna on March 27, 2012 at the Avalon in Hollywood. Gangrel, Scotty 2 Hotty, Brian Christopher, Gene Snitsky and Black Pearl, among others, are scheduled to compete in a four tag team tournament. Visit www.territoryleague.com for more information.