Home News Bret Hart: Montreal A “Dead Issue,” Siblings Stil Jealous

Bret Hart: Montreal A “Dead Issue,” Siblings Stil Jealous


WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart told a fan on Twitter this week that Montreal is a dead issue and unfortunately, some of his siblings are still jealous of him and take any chance they can to tear him down. A fan asked Bret, “Your brother Smith Hart said in an interview that Stu Hart stated, “Bret should have just done the job in Montreal.” Any truth to that?”

Bret replied with the following:

“I’ve had numerous conversations w/my dad about Montreal & he never ever indicated anything of this sort to me.”

“There are certain members of my family that never miss an opportunity 2 tear me down or minimize my achievements. My dad’s nickname for my brother Smith was “shed”, short for shithead. So take it from the source.”

“I don’t give a damn what anyone says re:Montreal & it’s a dead issue.”