Home News Knockouts Prevent Year-Low Impact Rating, Shelley On Twitter

Knockouts Prevent Year-Low Impact Rating, Shelley On Twitter


— The #1 Contender’s Knockout Battle Royal featuring Angelina Love, Brooke Tessmacher, Madison Rayne, Mickie James, ODB, Rosita, Sarita, Tara, Velvet Sky and Winter prevented Thursday’s Impact Wrestling from garnering the show’s lowest rating of the year as the match outdrew the entire show by a sizable margin.

Thursday’s show garnered a 1.06 cable rating off hours of 1.02 and 1.10, flat with last week’s year-low 1.06. The #1 Contender’s Knockout Battle Royal, which kicked off the second hour, surged the rating from a 1.04 to a 1.23—an 18.3 percent increase. The subsequent quarter hour featuring Eric Bischoff’s celebratory promo plummeted to a 1.00.

Only the final quarter hour drew near the Knockouts, a 1.11 for a heavily publicized angle involving New York Giants player Brandon Jacobs and Sting confronting World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode.

— Motor City Machine Guns member Alex Shelley is now on Twitter at fakekinkade.

— Mexican America member Hernandez promotes independent promotion River City Wrestling on tonight’s KABB Fox San Antonio newscast in San Antonio, Texas. The program begins at 9:00 p.m. CST.

source: Pro Wrestling Torch