Home News Bubba The Love Sponge Says He May Be Done With TNA

Bubba The Love Sponge Says He May Be Done With TNA


SEScoops.com reader Andrew sent in the following report:

Bubba The Love Sponge
Bubba The Love Sponge

On his radio show today Bubba the Love Sponge talked about the fiasco at last night’s TNA Impact involving him and the passes TNA gave him to give to his fans. He is not happy at all.

– To clear it up (because even I didn’t fully understand it) TNA gave Bubba about 1000 tickets to give away to his audience.

-Bubba said that the people from Universal Studios where TNA is filmed told the fans the passes Bubba gave them were not real, even though they were given to him by TNA. As a result, a ton of fans were turned away and sent to watch the event at the Hard Rock Cafe.

– He said that during the “viewing party” at the Hard Rock, where the fans he gave passes to were sent after they were turned away, someone purportedly from either TNA or Universal got on stage and completely buried him.

– Also, after the show, AJ Styles appeared at the Hard Rock and also buried Bubba.

– When Bubba appeared personally at the Hard Rock to address the fans that were turned away, he said he was booed and spat on and had things thrown at him by angry fans.

– Bubba said that after the show last night he refused to return text messages or take calls from Hulk Hogan or Dixie Carter.

– Bubba said he is supposed to go to the taping tonight but he probably won’t go and he said he is “probably done” with TNA, and that they will do fine without him.

– Bubba said he thought the product TNA put on last night was good, and that they are well on their way to turning things around but he just wasn’t happy with how he or his fans were treated.

-I nterestingly, Bubba said that TNA bussed in a lot of high school kids (apparently they were the ones wearing the yellow shirts), and that the crowd was not hot because they were too young to know guys like Scott Hall, or Ric Flair. Personally, I thought the crowd came off as pretty hot on television.

– A caller called in and said she received e-mails from TNA prior to last night’s show confirming that the passes she received from Bubba were in fact real.

– Another caller said that they allowed people in with passes from Universal Studios that were not originally there to see TNA before they allowed people in with actual TNA passes. It seems like TNA, Hulk Hogan, and Dixie Carter really dropped the ball on this whole thing and Bubba was just trying to help out TNA and Hogan, and ended up looking bad and getting buried for it. Whatever the case may be, it’s pretty clear TNA needs to fix some of their organizational issues if they are really going to compete with WWE.