Home News RVD Blogs About Monday’s RAW vs. iMPACT! Battle

RVD Blogs About Monday’s RAW vs. iMPACT! Battle


Former WWE & ECW champion Rob Van Dam has a new blog up on his MySpace, talking about the Monday Night War from this week between WWE and TNA. Here’s what he wrote:

Monday night wrestling, let’s talk about it. Many people have called,texted or emailed me to get my opinion of the live wrestling shows that competed for our viewership earlier this week. I can critique just like you, but let’s talk about what we liked. I switched back and forth between both shows, just like you did. It was cool seeing the crowd reaction for Brett the Hitman Hart. I know he has wanted to step back in the ring for a long time and I have no doubt that the “welcome back” felt like a warm blanket in Canada. On the other show, the NWO appearing was a nice surprise, as was Jeff hardy in a big way. I was a little concerned since all the pre-Monday advertisements just said “We got Hogan”. They had a lot of ex-WWE’ers-whether money drawers or not-so the element of change and hope was in the air. I thought that was nice. They also had some good matches. fans like that. I’m still confused on the schedule for TNA’s Monday night shows.

I thought this was going to be an every-Monday night thing but I’ve heard I’m wrong on that. Anyone else confused with me? Anyone know what they’re doing?

Do we tune in again next week or next quarter or WTF?

I’m sure that wrestling had it’s highest ratings in awhile so that’s good and TNA must’ve had their largest viewing audience. Many people have told me that they were glad I wasn’t on Monday night. I don’t think that I feel more inspired to return than I did before Monday, for that matter. I do hope that public interest in wrestling does grow as it would be good for everybody…except that guy that tried to blow up that airplane in Detroit. He’s f-cked!

I probably feel the same way that you do about Monday night. It intrigued me to watch, which I normally don’t, and I believe I’ll watch again next week…if it’s on.