– WWE drew around 3,500-4,000 fans to Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings from the Van Del Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan. WWE typically sets up the arena for 10,000 people – and had to move a lot of fans around to make the arena look full for television.
*SPOILERS* WWE SmackDown Tapings Results For Friday
– The dark match that took place prior to Tuesday’s SmackDown tapings from Grand Rapids, Michigan saw Dean Ambrose defeat Josh Shields.
– The following matches were taped for this week’s WWE NXT:
* JTG vs. Derrick Bateman
* Tyson Kidd vs. Johnny Curtis
* Maxine and Natalya vs. Tamina and Kaitlyn
– Hunico and Camacho vs. The Usos was taped last night in Grand Rapids for this week’s WWE Superstars.
– After the SmackDown tapings concluded, Randy Orton and Big Show defeat Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan in the dark match main event.