Home News Orton Gives His Thoughts On Lesnar, WWE Remembers Rude

Orton Gives His Thoughts On Lesnar, WWE Remembers Rude


— During an interview with The Fight Club Chicago in November, Randy Orton was asked about Brock Lesnar being showcased in THQ’s WWE ’12 video game.

“I think its great. I’m a big Lesnar fan and I’ve always been. We came up together about 10 years ago now. Me and him were buds. We’ve lost touch over the years as you usually do with guys like that, but I wish him the best,” the SmackDown Superstar said.

“I know he’s had a few health issues as of late. But, hell conquer those just like he’s conquered every other obstacle that has come his way. I true l feel he’s one of the few human beings I’ve ever met that have been able too accomplish as much as he’s accomplished. He puts his mind, body and soul into it and he’s gunna get it done.”

The full interview is available at www.sportstownchicago.com/fightclub. Orton also gave his thoughts on The Rock.

— WWE.com has added “Ravishing” Rick Rude to their Alumni section. The profile includes photos and videos from his career in WWE and WCW.